Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Endurance Playground : Balancing burning sugar vs burning fat

I must admit. I hate running due to my size. And I am doing nothing to shed it and instead gaining pounds. That is bad. Yet, prior to that, running is very much panting and 80% of the time it leave me quite tired after the run and only 20% do I feel good.

Now it not suppose to happen like that. Period.

Yes. Coming up I have my first marathon to go. And I do want to run as joyful as possible and still more energize after the run.

Couple of weeks back I was reading closely on Stu Mittleman way of running. How he introduce slow burn in his book very much earlier ago. And Stu is one of Tony Robbin's mastery figure in term of fitness. Take time to google and find out more about this amazing man gotta offer.

So after two weeks of listening to his few key pointers in running I decided to give it a try two days ago on what he feel how running should be.

I decided to put on my Garmin 305 but not the heart rate monitor belt. As recommended, Stu say we should be able to have that awareness of our surrounding as we run, feel it also be constant listening to the body as you run. Of course to avoid that tunnel vision that start to set into the anaerobic zone while running.

So that day Elaine was running with me. As usual the petite lady is fast. But I tell myself.... it is time to really learn to primary basic. So I just keep at a pace where I could enjoy the run and be aware of the surrounding more. I begin to consciously picked up the high rise building around KLCC. and for the first time I really enjoy it .. and as far as I am concern, I still remember most the run I had done that day still imprint in my memory. I was running at an amazingly slooooww pace and I just want to enjoy it.

After 35 minutes of run.. Bang!! I begin to feel the body sensation had turn. I know I could keep on running and not succumb to injury.. at least at that state of condition as perceive.

So at 45 minutes... I begin to feel that my body is switching to burning fat for the run and not sugar. As vivid as I recall, I ran 7:15 - 7:30 minutes pace for 10km run and 21km in a state where I am still pant and breath easily but not as relax.

Yet.. as I gain the momentum, I realize I uses less effort then ever and perhaps every breath will take me around 5 - 10 stride at 7:30 per km pace..While, this is the first time I am experiencing such event.. At that moment I am sold!!

I am all excited now and digging more deeply. Suppose to start my alkaline diet but really reluctant and hesitate.. .but now I am thinking what to get and make me improve better in a much much happy way.

What make me sold more on balancing the sugar vs burning fat is Carmichael was taking Lance to a lab where they run a fitness test on him.

His fitness threshold is so good at a very high heart rate, drawing out his blood still showing that he is constantly burning fat instead of burning sugar. Therefore the level of lactic acid is so slow he could recover damn fast.

Also take a look at Stu recent webcast where ppl post question to him here.. it will expired in few days.. take time to listen :-

Anyway the fun had just begun.

I am all ready to KLCC Park tomorrow for a spin.

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